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31 AUG 2017 Newsletter

MSc(Eng)(IELM) Orientation / Induction 2017

Opening Remarks by Associate Head of Department Dr. S.H. Choi

Opening Remarks by Associate Head of Department Dr. S.H. Choi

Opening Remarks by MSc(Eng) Course Coordinator Dr. L.K. Chu

Opening Remarks by MSc(Eng) Course Coordinator Dr. L.K. Chu

Introduction of MSc(Eng)(IELM) programme

Introduction of MSc(Eng)(IELM) programme

Introduction of the IEPGA (Industrial Engineering Postgraduate and Scholar Association of The University of Hong Kong)

Introduction of the IEPGA (Industrial Engineering Postgraduate and Scholar Association of The University of Hong Kong)

The orientation / inducion for MSc(IELM) Year 1 students was held by the Department to extend our warm welcome to our new students.
Our MSc students met with their peers, the Department staff members and some alumni. They got to learn more about our programmes and the important academic issues, such as course enrolment, study modes and outstanding prizes. They are also introduced to the Industrial Engineering Postgraduate and Scholar Association (IEPGA).


31 August 2017 (Thursday)


10:00 - 12:00



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